Open Day success
Published: 21 January 2019

Sevenoaks Town Council opened the doors of Bat & Ball Station to the public on Saturday 19th January. Over 300 people attended and were able to see the restored station building for the first time. Information was also available about the facilities which will be on offer when the building is officially open, including a cafe, toilets and hireable rooms.
The refurbishment of this local heritage landmark, which had previously been boarded up for over 25 years, has taken over 7 months to complete and was funded by a £750K Heritage Lottery Grant. Public comments include:
"A high quality restoration of a lovely building"
"The building has been developed as a community facility while still preserving the railway connection"
"Making good use of a building which otherwise would be left to decay and blight the neighbourhood"
* Don't worry if you missed the first Open Day as there is another repeat event on Saturday 16th February 10am-12pm*